'Gesellschaft für schienentechnische Systeme mbH


 Responsible for the homepage content according to DDG is the:

Gesellschaft für schienentechnische Systeme mbH
Minoritenstr. 7                                   50667 Cologne
Tel. 0221-12 06 96 0  Fax 0221-12 06 96 66
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.              www.ortec-gmbh.de

Director: Sven Ortwein
Head office, commercial register court and no.: Cologne    Cologne Regional Court        HRB Cologne 36159
Value added tax no.: DE  122 810 640
Tax reference no.: 214/5813/1581



1. Our website has been compiled with great care. However, we cannot guarantee that the information is correct, complete or up to date. Visitors to the website use the content at their own risk. The mere use of our website does not bring into effect any contractual relationship between us and the user.


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3. The content published on our website is protected under German copyright law and ancillary copyright law. Any reproduction, editing, distribution and exploitation of the content are therefore strictly subject to our written consent or the consent of the relevant holder of rights. Downloads and copies from this site are permitted for private, non-commercial use only. Reference is made to the relevant third-party copyright in respect of any content on this site which was not compiled by us. The display of this website in third-party frames is strictly subject to our written permission.


4. The contact details published in our imprint may not be used to send unsolicited advertisements and mailings outside the context of an existing business relationship.


Schienentechnische Systeme

ORTEC – know-how for environmental protection and sustainable working practices!


Innovative Technik von ORTEC



ORTEC – know-how for environmental protection and sustainable working practices!

Gesellschaft für schienentechnische Systeme  mbH

Minoritenstr. 7  • 50667 Cologne
Tel. 0221-12 06 96 0
Fax 0221-12 06 96 66


Sven Ortwein

VAT ref. no.: 122 810 640

Cologne Commercial Register: HRB no. 36159 Cologne Regional Court


ORTEC ČR, s.r.o   >>www.ortec.cz