'Gesellschaft für schienentechnische Systeme mbH


Sustainable working practices

We care about the environment

SchallschutzInnovative noise abatement

Our know-how for your well-being

Weniger VibrationenReduced vibrations

Less exposure to vibration and more protection from noise

Wirtschaftliche VorteileEconomic advantages

Optimum maintenance and repair


Gesellschaft für schienentechnische Systeme mbH
Minoritenstr.7 · 50667 Cologne
Telefon 0221-12 06 96 0 · Telefax 0221-12 06 96 66
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. · www.ortec-gmbh.de


If you have any questions about our products, please call us or send us an email. 

We look forward to receiving your inquiry.



Schienentechnische Systeme

ORTEC – know-how for environmental protection and sustainable working practices!


Innovative Technik von ORTEC



ORTEC – know-how for environmental protection and sustainable working practices!

Gesellschaft für schienentechnische Systeme  mbH

Minoritenstr. 7  • 50667 Cologne
Tel. 0221-12 06 96 0
Fax 0221-12 06 96 66


Sven Ortwein

VAT ref. no.: 122 810 640

Cologne Commercial Register: HRB no. 36159 Cologne Regional Court


ORTEC ČR, s.r.o   >>www.ortec.cz